Vahkrin: Liquorian
Species: Vahkrin. Breed: Liquorian. Class: Enchanted (Mammal). Align: UnHoly.
Gender: %Roll: 01-99: Female, 00: Male.
Level: 14 + 1-D20. Damage-Points: 1-D12 x level.
Number encountered: 1.
Experience-Points: 80 x level.
Awareness: Hearing: 26, Sense of Smell: 25, Sixth Sense: 20, Taste: 32, Touch: 30, Vision: 34,
Charisma -: Appearance: 60, Speech: 30, Constitution: 40, Coordination: 50, Dexterity: 50, Intelligence: 28, Mental-Strength: 50, Strength: 30, Wisdom: 22.
Flying: 42. Grounded: 14. Swimming: 4.
Luck: 2-D20 + 1-D6 per level.
Oxygen-Points: 150.
Blood-Points: 120.
Attack descriptions: Range: Damage: Attack type:
Bite ---------- : 1 1 space (5'). 1-D6 (+1-D6 per level advanced). Sharp.
Claws -------- : 2 1 space (5'). 1-D8 (+1-D8 per level advanced). Sharp.
Special ------ : Liquorian Venom Sting: See: "Special Offenses".
Defense: 50 (80 if level 32+).
Offense: 50 (80 if level 32+).
Treasure: %Roll needed to have money and treasure:
05+ for 2-D4 +2 items.
Begin rolling on the UnCommon chart. Liquorian who are level 32+ will begin rolling on the Rare chart.
Annihilation Strike?: Yes. Sudden Death Strike?: Yes.
Description: This creature appears to be a beautiful or handsome person with bat-like wings and a long tail, the end of which is set with a thin scorpion-like stinger. The eyes of the Liquorian Vahkrin are cat-like.
Eye color: Gray with pink cat’s-eye pupil. Hair color: Red (and slightly wavy). Eye shape: Elf-like, yet slanted sharply. Height: 5' 6". Tail Length: 6'-0". Posture: Avian biped. Skin color: White. Skin texture: As a Human. Weight: 115 Lbs. Wing Contour: Bat-like. Wingspan: 11'-0".
Dislikes ----- : Cold temperatures. Druids.
Disposition - : Teasingly playful. Whether they be male or female, Liquorian are of the most scheming of all Vahkrin. They love the game of corruption. They also love to torture their victims by means of over saturating them with their venomous influences. They are not so kind, however, to those who have wounded or defied them. These creatures rarely kill other creatures unless they feel truly threatened. Their nature is more of being the center of attention and doing pretty much anything they can to have it.
The Liqorian do not openly reveal what they are to others, even of their own kind. Most always, they do not willingly serve a master.
Fears -------- : This creature is terrified of Sheba Whitemane and will do everything in their power to either avoid them or destroy them.
Habitat ------ : UnderWorld, although they explore all regions (rarely in the colder regions, or places during the cold season).
Immunities - : Alcohol. Although fermented drinks have an almost normal effect upon a Liquorian, alcohol only relaxes this creature to a point. The Liquorian will not become unstable, or pass out from alcohol effects.
Life-span --- : Lesser Immortal: Liquorian do not age past the prime of life, yet they can be slain.
Likes -------- : Teasing other creatures.
Needs ------- : None.
Note --------- : The teeth of this creature are all similar to canine teeth in that they have the appearance of fangs (yet these
fangs are not extreme in the slightest). All fangs are hollow and can secrete a saliva-poison. This is not a killing
poison, but rather has an effect of inducing relaxation and euphoria, exactly as Ahkra (see: Ahkra in the A section of
the Plants Book). This saliva is addictive, just as Ahkra, but not deadly if not gotten.
Special Abilities:
Dimension / Plane Travel: Once per moon (30 days) as the Magician Spell.
Modification-points: The Liquorian will have modification-points as follows: 2-D6 +1 per 2 levels advanced
(exactly as a player character rolls for modification-points each level).
These points can be used to learn any spell or ability from the Adventurer Abilities. These spells and abilities can be purchased without having to buy the Seeker prerequisites (meaning they can learn spells directly from the
Adventurer charts).
G.M.: You may also choose to pick the spells and abilities quickly without rolling up modification-points (it is up to you).
Special Defenses:
Charms of all kinds: 90%.
Magic: 20%.
Mental-attack: 20%.
Spiritual-attack: 30%.
Special Offenses:
Liquorian Venom: The saliva of this creature has the exact same effect as consuming
one use of Ahkra. This poison effecting will take hold 2 turns (10 seconds) after being infected (i.e., bitten, kissed,
stung, etc.). There are no withdrawal effects, as is the case with Ahkra.
Susceptibilities: Holy abilities and spells will have x2 effect on this creature.
Weapon susceptibility: Rank-1 (or better) enchanted weapon to harm.